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Opening - Definition, Meaning Synonyms | Vocabulary. com An opening is an empty space That opening in the back of your closet might lead to a secret room A job opening, on the other hand, is an available job that could open you up to an entirely new career
OPENING Definition Meaning | Dictionary. com Her opening of the ceremony was brilliantly handled an unobstructed or unoccupied space or place: That narrow opening between buildings is a good place to shelter from the rain
Openning vs. Opening: Which Is the Correct Spelling? - Engram Blog "Openning" is an incorrect spelling of the word "opening " "Opening" can refer to a hole or start, like the opening of a door or the beginning of an event It can also mean an opportunity, such as a job opening
Opening vs Openning – Which is Correct? - Two Minute English The correct spelling is opening The confusion often arises because adding “-ing” to some verbs requires doubling the final consonant, like “running” from “run ” However, when a verb ends in a vowel followed by a consonant, and the stress is not on the last syllable (as in ‘open’), the consonant is not doubled